Fee Payment Instructions



$150.00 non-refundable application fee is for all students looking to secure on-campus housing. The fee is a part of the housing application submission and is acquired via TouchNet.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. Is this an additional fee and revenue for housing?  No, this is not additional revenue for housing. The Housing Application Fee is a separate fee and a change in our billing process from previous years. The new fee will be taken into consideration when determining next year's rates in an effort to minimize the financial impact. The application fee is separate from your room rate, which will be reflected on your Student Account. 

  2. Why did housing make this change? We assess our processes and policies annually to improve our student experience. This change has been made to reduce the initial payment by students to secure a bed, streamline our process and provide clarity to students and families regarding the charges or credits reflected on their university student account.  

  3. How do I pay my application fee and when? Within the housing application all students sign an agreement and pay the $150 non-refundable application. Students receive a confirmation email once they’ve submitted the application and payment. 

  4. Does this fee guarantee housing? Please note the housing application fee does not guarantee a housing assignment with the exception of First Year Freshman applying by May 15. All First Year Freshman applicants who apply by the May 15 deadline will receive on-campus housing.  Please note the housing application fee does not guarantee a housing assignment for First Year Freshman students who apply after May 15. 

  5. Can the fee be waived? Yes, students may request a waiver in their housing portal. The waiver allows students to move forward with submitting the housing application and securing a space without the upfront fee.  Students with a -$1,500 Student Aid Index (SAI) will be approved for a waiver upon request. Students who have received an enrollment deposit waiver will be approved for a waiver upon request. All undergraduate and graduate level students seeking a waiver must submit the request online through your Mason Housing Portal and provide third party supporting documentation prior to July 1. The documentation must demonstrate substantial financial hardships.  

  6. If I join a waitlist, am I responsible for the fee? Yes, a students pay the application fee when joining the waitlist.  Students on the waitlist will be refunded their fee if we cannot offer them a space by the last day to drop classes for the fall semester. Students must remove themselves from the waitlist to qualify for refunding of the fee. Housing will communicate with students their timeline to remove themselves from the waitlist to be refunded. Students do not get the application fee refunded if they decline housing or remove themselves from the waitlist prior to the last day to drop or outside the timeline provided above. 

  7. What happens if I do not enroll, dis-enroll, or am not eligible to enroll? Should the student become “not enrolled” or “not eligible to enroll”, the application fee would not be refunded.